Friday, March 30, 2012

Eagle Cam

Author: Kathy Runkle
Date: March 30, 2012

Okay, it's not YouTube, but it's so cool that I have to share anyway.  This is a bald eagle cam and you can watch in live-time the parent bald eagles feeding their hatchling.  This is amazing!

Phi - The Number of... Everything

Name: Kathy Runkle
Date: March 30, 2012

Phi is the name of the number 1.618.  It is the most incredible number because EVERYTHING in the entire universe is measured using that number - from our spiral galaxy to Earth's path around the sun to the proportions of our body to the fractal measurements found in trees and snowflakes to the spiral patterns in sunflower seeds and pineapples.  How can this be?  Look at this incredible video by DollyHot:

For more information about phi (the golden ratio) and how it applies to measurements everywhere, including music, and also to see how truly cool math is, check out Donald Duck in Mathemagic Land:

Something Pretty

Author: Kathy Runkle
Date: March 30, 2012

In line with posting feel good videos today, I found another beauty from the Bubble Vision channel.  Go check it out:

Bringing Smiles to Our Faces

Author: Kathy Runkle
Date: March 30, 2012

I found two new videos this morning that brought a great big ol' smile to my face and I just had to share them:

Friday, March 16, 2012

Dancing Granny

Author: Kathy Runkle
Date: March 16, 2012

Check out this 97-year-old grandma.  She is so precious.  Not only is it amazing to see someone make it to age 97 in the first place, but it is amazing to see that that someone is still active.  But, let me tell you, she really knows how to swing her hips.  Way to go, grandma!  I hope I can do this when I'm your age.